River Otter Photo Gallery
Photos by Kim A. Cabrera

Otter video links located at bottom of page.
All photos were taken along the south fork Eel River near Redway, California
These are wild otters in their natural habitat..
November 18, 2001

Otter floating

This otter popped his head up to take a look around.

Several otters on the riverbank.

four otters on the bank
otter looks at me A curious otter eyes the photographer.
Otters hiding in the brush along the river. otters on the bank

one otter

One otter on the bank.
Same otter poking around on the bank. otter exploring
three otters Otters resting on the bank. The one on the right kept scratching and biting at its back.
Two otters nuzzle each other. two otters
otter in the water A single otter in the river.
Looking upstream. Loch Ness Otter?
otters diving Two otters swimming and diving. Each time they surfaced, they were chewing and swallowing something. I couldn't tell what it was for sure, but likely fish.
All four otters on the bank. They sat up there for a few moments before diving back into the water as a group. Otter synchronized diving! four otters on the bank
two otters in the water Two more otters hunting in the fishin' hole. The one on the right had just surfaced with something in his mouth. In the photo, he is chewing it.
The four otters on the bank head back for the water. four otters
three otters swimming Three otters hunting in the fishin' hole. They spent about five minutes here and I kept snapping photos as I watched them. The hunting must have been good.
One otter slides off the bank as another one watches from the water. an otter slides off the bank int the water
floating otter Otter swimming away from me.
Taking a look around. otter on bank
one otter Checking out the bank.
An otter splashing back into the water. otter sliding into water with a splash
Otters hunting and swimming
Otter Video #1

1.34MB, but worth downloading
Two otters swimming
Otter Video #2

285KB, short video


Find otter posters, greeting cards, t-shirts, hats, and more in my new store.

Visit my online store at: www.dirt-time.com   Happy tracking!!

What else can you find in the nature store? Beartracker's T-shirts, sweatshirts, journals, book bags, toddler and infant apparel, mouse pads, posters, postcards, coffee mugs, travel mugs, clocks, Frisbees, bumper stickers, hats, stickers, and many more items. All with tracks or paw  prints, or nature scenes. Custom products are available. If you don't see the track you want on the product you want, email me and I can probably create it. Proceeds from all sales go to pay the monthly fees for this web site. You can help support this site as well as get great tracking products! Thank you!


Find other tracking products: www.zazzle.com/tracker8459*


Also visit these fine stores for more products of interest:

NDN Pride shop - For Indian Pride items for all tribes. Custom items available on request.

ASL Signs of Love - For anyone who uses or is learning ASL, American Sign Language. Custom name items and more are available here.

Get Every Child Outdoors (Get E.C.O.) - My shop dedicated to nature and getting kids interested in nature and the outdoors.

Sales from all stores give commissions to Beartracker's Animal Tracks Den, which helps keep this site online as a free service. We are celebrating ten years online this year!




Got a river otter story? E-mail me and tell me about it.


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Copyright © 1997, 2018. Text, drawings, and photos by Kim A. Cabrera


Updated: March 25, 2018.

© Kim A. Cabrera - Desert Moon Design