River Otter Tracking

Tracking a River Otter Pull-Out Site at Water's Edge

I discovered where a group of otters had pulled out of the water to roll and mark scent on the banks of the Eel River. There were at least 5, and possibly 6, otters in this group. This is most likely a family group - a mother otter with her pups from the summer. In this video, I show their tracks and signs. One very interesting scat was discovered here as well. The otters rolled in the sand, which otters do to clean their fur. This helps them maintain the waterproofing ability of their fur. It also possibly leaves scent behind, a further way to mark territory. There are the tracks of several other species seen in this video, including ravens, turkeys, deer, and raccoon. You can learn so much from the tracks and signs left by animals in the sand. I hope you enjoy this video as much as I did making it and tracking these river otters! This river bank provided plenty of opportunities to learn all about river otter tracks, scats, and signs.


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Find tracking posters, greeting cards, t-shirts, hats, and more in my new store.

Now available: "Animals Don't Cover Their Tracks - An Introduction to Animal Tracking" on CD! (Version 3.0) New drawings, more species, more photos, more extensive sections on tracking humans, more detailed directions for plaster casting, mystery tracks section, tracking stories section, and more. The CD features over 100 species, including special bonus sections with the tracks of some African and Australian animals. A large section on tracking lost people for search and rescue is included, with over four pages of photos showing the details of tracks and signs people leave. Easy to use format. This web site is limited by bandwidth, but the CD-ROM is not. The CD is available in my online store at: www.dirt-time.com  Works with Mac or PC. Happy tracking!!

What else can you find in the nature store? Beartracker's animal tracks coloring book, T-shirts, sweatshirts, journals, book bags, toddler and infant apparel, mouse pads, posters, postcards, coffee mugs, travel mugs, clocks, Frisbees, bumper stickers, hats, stickers, and many more items. All with tracks or paw  prints, or nature scenes. Custom products are available. If you don't see the track you want on the product you want, email me and I can probably create it. Proceeds from all sales go to pay the monthly fees for this web site. You can help support this site as well as get great tracking products! Thank you!


Find other tracking products: www.zazzle.com/tracker8459*


Also visit these fine stores for more products of interest:

NDN Pride shop - For Indian Pride items for all tribes. Custom items available on request.

ASL Signs of Love - For anyone who uses or is learning ASL, American Sign Language. Custom name items and more are available here.

Sales from all stores give commissions to Beartracker's Animal Tracks Den, which helps keep this site online as a free service. We are celebrating ten years online this year!





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Copyright © 2011. Text, drawings, videos, and photos by Kim A. Cabrera


Copyright © Kim A. Cabrera - Desert Moon Design

Page updated: Sunday, November 6, 2011.